Stress and research

Students in modern-day society have heightened levels of stress in different areas of their lives. It is important to do further research about this and to develop an effective way in which students can deal with their stress. Study planning is very exhausting, especially at university or college level. The 'must' of combining a busy life with studies can cause stress or depression. Short-term stress can be useful and lead to improved performance. However, uncontrolled stress can lead to exhaustion, depression, and other issues. Students are actually vulnerable to episodic stress. This happens most often when exams get closer. Stress and depression can also occur when you have to do a presentation or interview. Some students cannot handle the pressure and commit suicide. In the life of a student, a lot can change quickly. Studying helps them to do something which they want to do, like find a job with many possibilities or get more joy from life. Studying is part of a development process, which sometimes can cause a lot of anxiety.

What are the symptoms of stress in students?

Students can experience different effects of stress or depression, which can include the following symptoms:

  • Increased heart rate
  • Blood pressure
  • Headache
  • Problems with digestion
  • Problems focusing
  • Lessened performances

Students go through a difficult time when they need to deal with stress and depression. First of all their hormones are in overdrive, which can cause stress. Furthermore, the pressure will make it so that their level of stress increases. Homework, issues at home, relationships, studies, peer pressure and so on all add to stress and depression.

Research on stress in students

Research done by The National College Health Assessment had the goal to pinpoint the stress level of students. They followed 17 000 students for one year.

Results from the study

  • 25% of the students reported depressed feelings, which could influence their academic performances.
  • 21% of the students had attempted suicide at least once.
  • According to the study by National Survey of Counseling Center Directors, 154 students actually committed suicide.

How to control stress in students?

Most students do not go through an easy time during their years of studying. Stress and depression are as common as homework. Students need to understand that they are not alone. They have to be encouraged to read about stress in other students, so that they can handle their own issues. Once they are able to discuss their anxiety, they will feel better. This will help them to deal with stress and depression in a positive way. They need to learn to deal with the pressure at university or college. They must learn how to do their homework in time. How to improve their performance with less stress. How to overcome depression and control their level of stress, so that they can perform better.

Conclusion of the study

It has been proven that students are extremely stressed. It is important for universities to make caregiving a part of the curriculum. It would be good for the students if there always is a caregiver available. Letting go of emotional problems helps to reduce stress. This step will make it so that the level of stress in students decreases. Having a phone line available for students, where anonymity and confidentiality are guaranteed, can help prevent suicides.