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What measurable result can I expect?
Most participants are satisfied and symptom-free in 21 days, i.e. scoring again in the green zone on our test*,
and on average maintain their results for the following years after ending the program.
A large part of them (about 25%)already after one week because the stress scores decrease rapidly while your life satisfaction increases rapidly, as you can read below.
This is shown by a study on more than 10.000 participants, followed by a lifelong follow-up of the participants, now for more than 6 years. This study was presented at several international medical and psychological scientific conferences. Below more details about their evolution.
The average stress reduction during the follow up of the program is
- 27% after 7 days,
- 37% after 14 days
- 57% after 21 days
- 60% after 30 days
- 70% after 49 days
The average increase in the satisfaction about themselves and their quality of life:
+20% after 7 days
+30% after 14 days
+40% after 21 days
* For the statisticians: These figures reflect the median
How does this practically improve my life?
After a few weeks you will notice that
you will be more optimistic and energetic,
you will think more solution-oriented and
you will be able to deal with difficulties differntly.
you will be less tense.
you will be able to relativize the setbacks better, put them into perspective and find new solutions for them.
you will be told by your surroundings that you react differently to certain things.
you will start to live your life as you wish.
This is because
this daily self-help program '' helps you to help yourself more optimally, because of 30 days of daily mental training.
You learn to reflect in a more solution-focused way because of our solution-focused questions.
You will learn to make better choices in a first stage.
You will then learn to make and implement your own new choices on a daily basis - supported by this program.
you will learn to practice this 'self-choosing' into sustainable healthy habits that lead to a better life!
We will not let you alone in this program until you have learned to live as you wish to live.
You develop a life full of new habits that lead to more joy & satisfaction with less stress or negativity.
How does the online self-help program work?
The program offers you:
Daily 15 minutes personalized self-help online
New practical exercises every week
Eweekly short simple commands
Weekly charts with your progress
A weekly evaluation with report for your doctor
Auxiliary support of a support figure every week, if you like : family, partner, friend
Why do physicians recommend this program?
A few examples
A participant who followed the program a few years ago during her burnout told me that thanks to the self-reflection during this program she had come to the decision to start her own business.
A mother of three suffered burnout during an intensely busy period in her career as a manager and told me in a video interview how the self-help program helped her.
A journalist from Psyche and Brain followed this program for a month to write about it, and was surprised when his girlfriend pointed out after 2 weeks that she had never seen him so calm even though he had 8 important deadlines ahead of him at that time.
In his bestseller 'Borderline times', Prof. Drik De Wachter recommended this program for people looking for effective self-help.
For reasons of privacy and professional secrecy, most examples are given anonymously. Some experiences can be found on this website in the form of an interview or video.
Scientific references
Our exceptional and sustainable results have been noted by a.o:
The medical press such as Doctors' Newspaper and Specialists' Newspaper among others
World Psychiatry Congress 2017 in Berlin
'European Brief Therapy Conference' in San Francisco, San Diego in Phoenix and in Anaheim (2018, 2016, 2015, 2014)
'Congrès Français de psychiatrie 2017' in Lyon
'Flemish Congress of Mental Health' in Belgium (2018, 2016, 2014)
Our online self-help program helps CEOs, celebrities and business leaders as much as students, professionals and other people like you and me to live again the way you want to live. The program was 100% developed by doctors whose calling is to help people live healthy and fulfilled lives.
Why would my organization benefit?
1. Because you...
you care for your people
you need your people
you will increase
employer branding
you will decrease
the avoidable cost of absenteeism
the avoidable cost of presenteeism
the avoidable cost of loss in
business-specific competence
built-up knowledge
2. Because the program works equally fine:
to prevent stress, fatigue, burnout, depression, or anxiety for employees at risk
to resolve existing stress, fatigue, burnout, depression, or anxiety who already went over the top. They will receive every week a progression report in graphics so that their own private physician can follow them up more efficiently and exclude medical, non-stress-related issues if applicable.
3. Because scientific research on over 10.000 people shows:
The average decrease in risk and stress scores:
-60% in 30 days,
-70% in 49 days
The average increase in personal satisfaction +40% in 21 days
The average participant was stress-free in 21 days, reaching normalized stress & risk scores
Durable results measured over 10 years
Those results have been measured on more than 10.000 participants. These are median scores as presented on the prestigious Medical world Congress of Psychiatry, Berlin 2017, Lisbon 2019
How will we help your people?
✔ We help them prevent or resolve symptoms
✔ We help them prevent or resolve problems
✔ We help them overcome stress, fatigue, burn-out, ...
✔ We help them develop Solution Focused Thinking
✔ We help them practice Solution Focused Communication
✔ We help them proactively address problems
✔ We help them become efficient and effective
✔ We help them become proactive and performant again
✔ We help them feel happy and satisfied with their job and life
✔ We help them find a new work-life balance
✔ We help them make better choices and execute their decisions
✔ We help them set better priorities
✔ We help them deliver the right results because of a better focus
✔ We help them find a new work-life balance
✔ We help them become better team players
✔ We help them find a new work-life balance
✔ We help them develop the habit of turning problems into solutions
anonymously in their privacy
from home or from work (free choice)
in only 15 minutes a day
measurable results within days to weeks
How will the process be for your Employee?
They start with a self-test
and see the results
and can retest themselves every month
They start the program actively
15 minutes a day
whenever they want
from wherever they want
retesting progress weekly
until they reach their desired result
with healthy habits to prevent relapse
Lifelong monitoring to solidify lasting results
Do you want to know how we can help your organization and people to prevent and resolve mental problems?
► We offer special packages for your employees!
Click to read some testimonials by physicians and participants
What do doctors and participans say?
Dr. Philippe Mast, MD, Urologist
00:00.000 --> 00:02.482
Hello, I'm Philip Mast.
00:02.566 --> 00:07.170
I'm urologist in Belgium and I had the
00:07.280 --> 00:14.513
opportunity to test myself the ''
00:14.810 --> 00:18.990
program, which was very helpful in my personal view
00:19.100 --> 00:22.050
and in my personal experience to get out of
00:22.160 --> 00:24.726
negativism and get positive again.
00:24.908 --> 00:27.594
It was very important for me.
00:27.632 --> 00:29.326
It broadened my horizon.
00:29.458 --> 00:31.542
It put me back on the rails
00:31.662 --> 00:34.926
and was a very, very good experience.
00:35.108 --> 00:38.170
It helped me in contact with my patients.
00:38.230 --> 00:41.838
It helped me also in my daily practice and with the
00:41.864 --> 00:46.554
patients, with my employees and also in my private life.
00:46.712 --> 00:51.217
It helped me to get positive thoughts, to
00:51.167 --> 00:55.129
get a new or a better feeling.
00:55.080 --> 00:57.918
And it was necessary to do it every day.
00:58.064 --> 01:00.620
And it helped because it was also
01:01.370 --> 01:03.560
very easy to do at home.
01:04.430 --> 01:08.650
It has a lot threshold and it gives excellent
01:08.710 --> 01:12.140
results if you persist and do it every day.
01:13.970 --> 01:16.590
You told me that you have several patients that you refer
01:16.640 --> 01:21.342
to the program, and you told me some concrete samples of
01:21.416 --> 01:23.850
what people told you how it affected their lives.
01:23.960 --> 01:25.026
Can you expand on that?
01:25.088 --> 01:29.540
Well, the negativism got away.
01:30.110 --> 01:34.282
They were thinking differently, and they were forced
01:34.366 --> 01:38.398
by the program to think positive and positively.
01:38.434 --> 01:41.574
And this has a great impact, they told me, on
01:41.612 --> 01:45.402
their life because they got out of the shell again
01:45.476 --> 01:48.694
and they were able to put some context.
01:48.742 --> 01:52.278
They have a positive self esteem again, and
01:52.304 --> 01:54.666
it was very important for these people.
01:54.788 --> 01:57.438
They told me also that you have to go on
01:57.464 --> 02:01.170
with it for quite a time, and afterwards it gets
02:01.220 --> 02:05.526
automatically positive thinking another way to view things.
02:05.648 --> 02:08.780
And if it gets worse because you don't do it
02:09.110 --> 02:12.282
for a while, you can put it back on and
02:12.356 --> 02:16.398
go again and have a good effect of the program. Yeah.
02:16.424 --> 02:19.038
So you mean that if someone stops a little bit
02:19.064 --> 02:22.690
too early and they have a beginning of a relapse
02:22.750 --> 02:26.514
that they can take on take on again and that
02:26.552 --> 02:30.618
they will go on the rails back very quickly again.
02:30.764 --> 02:33.138
Then you told me one other example.
02:33.224 --> 02:36.414
You told about someone of your patients that
02:36.452 --> 02:38.790
you did not only see psychological effects, but
02:38.840 --> 02:43.174
that even physiological energy went up quite shortly
02:43.222 --> 02:45.618
after they started the program. Right.
02:45.704 --> 02:49.760
Because I saw them while having running, and
02:50.570 --> 02:53.322
she looked very bad at the first time.
02:53.336 --> 02:57.102
And then I expected her to say that she had to go
02:57.116 --> 03:00.018
to the program '', and she did it.
03:00.104 --> 03:03.762
And the weeks afterwards, she looked very much better
03:03.896 --> 03:06.718
and told me afterwards that it was very helpful
03:06.814 --> 03:09.920
to get her in the positive thinking again, and
03:10.490 --> 03:13.890
physiologically and physically even she was better.
03:14.060 --> 03:14.466
03:14.528 --> 03:17.422
So you see like a kind of double impact,
03:17.566 --> 03:21.270
because on one side, the program works on the
03:21.320 --> 03:24.678
brain patterns and the thoughts, but indirectly it has
03:24.704 --> 03:26.866
a kind of physiological effect on the brain.
03:26.938 --> 03:29.070
I think the brain works better.
03:29.240 --> 03:31.686
It has more power to do with
03:31.688 --> 03:34.234
the other things than thinking negatively.
03:34.402 --> 03:40.278
That was my experience too when I was getting on
03:40.304 --> 03:44.430
the computer to do it that for myself the negative
03:44.930 --> 03:49.820
ideas went away and the positive thinking gives you more
03:51.890 --> 03:55.578
possibilities of having your brain work better and do things
03:55.604 --> 04:01.650
that you need every day working, running, to do some physical
04:02.390 --> 04:07.110
things have envy to do these things and not got
04:07.160 --> 04:09.370
back in your shell.
04:09.490 --> 04:11.550
If you look at your patients and you would
04:11.600 --> 04:16.038
compare doing this daily automatic exercise with this program
04:16.124 --> 04:21.137
compared to going to a psychotherapist, what are the
04:21.164 --> 04:24.402
differences, what's more useful when according to well I
04:24.416 --> 04:28.760
think that the low threshold of these possibilities with
04:29.390 --> 04:33.690
'' is an amazing great thing
04:33.740 --> 04:36.438
because otherwise you go once in a week once
04:36.464 --> 04:39.082
in a month to a psychologist or a psychiatrist
04:39.166 --> 04:42.618
and afterwards you don't have follow up here you
04:42.644 --> 04:45.034
give your own follow up every day and that's
04:45.082 --> 04:48.960
helps in getting these positive effects.Okay, great.Thanks.
Dr. Luc Isebaert, MD, Psychiatrist:
00:01.330 --> 00:01.710
00:01.820 --> 00:05.034
00:05.192 --> 00:06.680
00:08.029 --> 00:08.394
00:08.432 --> 00:12.318
Look, we've been working on this program for a while,
00:12.404 --> 00:15.138
and I wanted to exchange some ideas with you to
00:15.164 --> 00:18.858
see if we can share some with public about the
00:18.884 --> 00:24.262
program, because I just want to tell you one observation.
00:24.346 --> 00:28.078
At a certain point, we had developed the first version
00:28.114 --> 00:32.878
of the program, and I invited some of my private
00:32.914 --> 00:36.294
patients to come at the same time to me and
00:36.332 --> 00:39.066
at the same time do the online program. Okay.
00:39.188 --> 00:42.834
So the online program and the sessions with
00:42.872 --> 00:45.378
you were in parallel, so to speak. Yeah.
00:45.464 --> 00:46.854
Because I was curious to find
00:46.892 --> 00:48.390
out what would be the difference.
00:48.560 --> 00:52.494
And then one person after two weeks, came to
00:52.532 --> 00:56.466
me and she said, wow, it's like having every
00:56.528 --> 00:58.386
day a ten minute session with you.
00:58.508 --> 01:00.762
Yeah, that's right. I can't imagine that.
01:00.776 --> 01:04.558
But that's one of the big advantages of program
01:04.593 --> 01:14.482
like this is that there's a little push in
01:14.496 --> 01:20.340
the right direction every day so you don't stop
01:25.030 --> 01:28.350
if one wants to change in the right direction.
01:28.530 --> 01:32.678
Some days are more difficult than others, and we are
01:32.824 --> 01:37.430
tempted not to do anything, not to do the exercise
01:37.810 --> 01:41.162
we should be doing or not to think about the
01:41.236 --> 01:43.382
things we should be thinking about what area.
01:43.576 --> 01:47.846
And whereas if you get this little
01:47.908 --> 01:51.938
small boost every day, then the good
01:51.964 --> 01:56.030
new habits will start much more easily.
01:56.830 --> 02:00.230
That's what reminds me, because one of the things that
02:00.340 --> 02:03.026
we put as a central key was your ID.
02:03.208 --> 02:05.702
That psychotherapy is not about finding a
02:05.716 --> 02:08.521
solution, but it's about first finding a
02:08.536 --> 02:10.638
solution to create a new habit.
02:10.674 --> 02:13.458
And at once you know how to develop a new habit.
02:13.494 --> 02:14.690
You still have to train it.
02:14.740 --> 02:17.858
Just like when I'm doing muscle training, if I would
02:17.884 --> 02:21.638
only train my right arm muscle, I will have a
02:21.664 --> 02:24.794
hypotrophic arm and my left arm will be underdeveloped.
02:24.892 --> 02:25.442
02:25.576 --> 02:28.626
And that's the impression that I get with clients
02:28.698 --> 02:33.482
who are doing the online program, at least if
02:33.496 --> 02:37.274
they have the motivation to do daily exercise, because
02:37.312 --> 02:39.074
they get the invitation and it's up to them
02:39.112 --> 02:40.910
to choose if they want or not.
02:41.020 --> 02:45.002
But one interesting thing with this program is
02:45.016 --> 02:47.200
that you get the invitation every day. Yeah.
02:47.530 --> 02:51.662
So when you are invited every day, while that's human,
02:51.796 --> 02:55.982
you are inclined to respond to the invitation, whereas the
02:55.996 --> 02:57.914
invitation, you have to do it out of your own initiative.
02:57.952 --> 03:00.074
03:00.232 --> 03:03.038
And especially what I see with patients or
03:03.064 --> 03:05.678
people who have appeared when there is an
03:05.704 --> 03:08.990
anxiety attack or there is a deeper depression.
03:09.430 --> 03:11.882
What happens quite often in real life is
03:11.896 --> 03:16.614
that they will stop thinking about their progress
03:16.722 --> 03:19.298
and even they might cancel an appointment. Absolutely.
03:19.384 --> 03:21.182
But with the online system. Absolutely.
03:21.316 --> 03:24.710
It's like every day they get a reminder, and even
03:24.760 --> 03:27.890
if they would skip some days, it's like one day
03:27.940 --> 03:31.962
they will push the link again and they get restarted.
03:31.986 --> 03:32.860
Yes, absolutely.
03:34.570 --> 03:37.120
That's a big advantage of this kind of program.
03:38.650 --> 03:38.978
03:39.004 --> 03:41.198
Because quite a lot of people ask me this
03:41.224 --> 03:43.646
question, why would I go for an online program?
03:43.768 --> 03:48.318
And I found some answers because I've seen businessmen,
03:48.354 --> 03:51.386
for instance, who are disciplined to do daily something,
03:51.508 --> 03:54.638
but they don't know when the business settle the
03:54.664 --> 03:57.880
clients don't allow them to do a certain point,
03:59.050 --> 04:01.298
and that makes it easier for them.
04:01.384 --> 04:03.700
It's one of the observations that I made.
04:04.030 --> 04:08.154
Also question of a personality style.
04:08.202 --> 04:11.222
Some people like to confide in someone else.
04:11.356 --> 04:13.334
They like to talk with someone else
04:13.372 --> 04:18.399
and get advice from someone else.
04:19.570 --> 04:23.860
People like that probably will benefit a lot from
04:24.430 --> 04:29.342
face to face psychotherapy, but also people who want
04:29.356 --> 04:32.726
to take their life into their own hands and
04:32.848 --> 04:37.802
who say, I want to achieve this only I
04:37.816 --> 04:41.154
need some advice on how to achieve some guidance
04:41.202 --> 04:49.415
on how to achieve this.It is like compass and a map and then I will go my journey.
04:49.415 --> 04:53.352
Each day, it is like compasss and a map.
04:53.352 --> 04:55.449
Then, we are on the road of our own life.
04:55.910 --> 04:58.280
Every day there's some fork to take.
04:59.090 --> 05:03.502
So if every day you have this small input, then there's
05:03.526 --> 05:06.980
no chances after you say on the right way, then if
05:07.430 --> 05:11.300
the input comes only within a point and every two weeks.
05:13.890 --> 05:14.290
05:14.340 --> 05:17.278
So actually, if I try to summarize that, what
05:17.304 --> 05:20.278
you were saying is that personality style, that some
05:20.304 --> 05:23.950
people rather like to have a talk, while other
05:24.000 --> 05:27.286
people rather need guidance on our map.
05:27.408 --> 05:30.458
And some people prefer to be more self driven
05:30.494 --> 05:32.650
and others take it from the empathic relationship.
05:32.760 --> 05:33.322
05:33.456 --> 05:34.582
That might be a difference.
05:34.656 --> 05:39.300
Why one has an inclination to an online program.
05:40.170 --> 05:44.230
Probably both are beneficial as well from an online
05:44.400 --> 05:47.702
program as from a face to face psychotherapy.
05:47.786 --> 05:49.834
But one will be more inclined to choose
05:49.872 --> 05:51.358
the one than the other, but both will
05:51.384 --> 05:54.166
be beneficial and build both cases, I think.
05:54.288 --> 05:55.702
Yeah, that's true.
05:55.776 --> 05:58.860
So you could even combine both if you want. Absolutely.
06:04.110 --> 06:06.430
Some other topics that I was thinking about
06:06.540 --> 06:11.062
is what I saw when people come online
06:11.136 --> 06:13.066
for the program, what happens quite a lot is
06:13.188 --> 06:17.026
that people seem to be quite confused about
06:17.088 --> 06:18.758
what's the difference between stress
06:18.794 --> 06:20.650
and depression and anxiety.
06:21.150 --> 06:24.962
And quite often we see in real psychotherapy
06:24.986 --> 06:27.300
practice that there is a mixture of both.
06:28.890 --> 06:30.398
In most cases, there's a mixture
06:30.434 --> 06:35.354
of anxiety and depression are very
06:35.392 --> 06:37.926
closely related, also neurophysiologically.
06:37.998 --> 06:39.674
And what happens in the brain when
06:39.772 --> 06:42.482
anxiety and depression is very closely related. Yeah.
06:42.496 --> 06:47.184
It's like similar areas in the brain. Similar biological mechanism.
06:50.362 --> 06:54.030
The same drugs that we use for treating anxiety. Yes.
06:54.080 --> 06:55.438
For treating depression.
06:55.594 --> 07:01.102
And in large manner, the same drugs because the processes
07:01.126 --> 07:03.690
in the brain are so similar. With this explain
07:03.800 --> 07:06.018
I remember that some years ago you told me
07:06.044 --> 07:08.430
about your research that you did in the hospital.
07:09.230 --> 07:11.622
Actually, it was on alcohol addiction. Yes.
07:11.696 --> 07:14.778
And one of the things that was quite remarkable when you
07:14.804 --> 07:18.918
told me is that you told that after several years you
07:18.944 --> 07:23.166
do a follow up study that those people who say that
07:23.228 --> 07:28.914
they got success with the treatment, that most of them also
07:29.012 --> 07:32.598
say that other problems than the main problem for what they
07:32.624 --> 07:37.074
came, like anxiety or depression, others also got solved also if
07:37.112 --> 07:39.920
they did not directly work on it. Absolutely.
07:40.250 --> 07:44.394
That was a very interesting finding, that while
07:44.432 --> 07:47.022
we treated people for the alcohol problems and
07:47.036 --> 07:52.522
they solved these alcohol problems, our programs, I
07:52.536 --> 07:54.194
must say, are very brief.
07:54.242 --> 07:59.578
People if they are hospitalized for three weeks or if
07:59.604 --> 08:04.642
we see them on ambulatory basis, they come to the
08:04.656 --> 08:08.662
hospital to speak with the doctor or the psychotherapist or
08:08.676 --> 08:14.314
whatever, the number of sessions is also quite low.
08:14.352 --> 08:17.122
It's not more than five sessions in general.
08:17.256 --> 08:20.734
So there is no time to speak a lot
08:20.772 --> 08:25.774
about their depressed state or their anxiety or whatever,
08:25.932 --> 08:29.362
which most people with alcohol problems also have here.
08:29.436 --> 08:33.837
So there's no time to treat these problems, too.
08:33.924 --> 08:36.134
And what we found and that was extremely
08:36.182 --> 08:38.198
interesting is that when they solved their alcohol
08:38.234 --> 08:43.174
problem afterwards, they showed that they also could
08:43.212 --> 08:46.402
solve their own other problems on their own.
08:46.596 --> 08:50.542
Once they have started solving their problems,
08:50.676 --> 08:53.698
they don't need anybody else.
08:53.724 --> 08:55.594
They don't need to come back
08:55.632 --> 08:57.910
for another both of therapy.
09:00.790 --> 09:03.326
Would you say that this is like they learn
09:03.508 --> 09:09.126
to learn to solve problems and this is something
09:09.188 --> 09:13.158
that the program like this can do. Because
09:13.184 --> 09:15.474
on one side they learn to learn to solve problems.
09:15.572 --> 09:19.074
And then my question would be how would you
09:19.112 --> 09:22.938
explain them that they are building these habits in
09:22.964 --> 09:24.870
such a way that they will not relapse?
09:25.430 --> 09:27.342
Yeah, that's a very interesting question, too.
09:27.356 --> 09:30.730
We have that question about the habits foundation.
09:30.790 --> 09:34.362
Well, to put it very briefly now we can discuss it
09:34.376 --> 09:36.894
at all the point we can discuss it a little more.
09:36.992 --> 09:45.058
But to put it very briefly, what happens is that whatever we
09:45.058 --> 09:49.066
do when we do it repeatedly, one can say that's a habit.
09:51.185 --> 09:56.070
Sequence of time you repeat the same, it becomes a habit.
09:56.250 --> 09:59.418
So we can get into the habit of having anxiety
09:59.454 --> 10:04.022
attacks, for instance, when some situation presents itself, or we
10:04.036 --> 10:08.282
can get into the habit of being depressed when there
10:08.296 --> 10:12.206
are too many problems facing us over there.
10:12.388 --> 10:17.378
So you can say that whatever we
10:17.404 --> 10:19.206
do when we do it repeatedly becomes
10:19.218 --> 10:23.390
a habit, even disconnected from the origin.
10:23.500 --> 10:25.358
While we start to have anxiety the
10:25.384 --> 10:27.554
first time or depression the first time,
10:27.652 --> 10:30.678
it can become a habit and treatment.
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Our self help should rather focus on breaking the old
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habit and establishing a new one rather than looking for
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establishing a new habit instead of the old habit.
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That's something that occurs in the brain.
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When we make a new habit to,put up very briefly,
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make a new habit, there are new connections that are made
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in the brain, and these connections need to be repeated.
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That's again, why a program
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like this is so interesting.
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Because each time you repeat the new habit,
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it becomes better established in the brain.
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So if you repeat it very often every day,
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for instance, it's much easier to
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establish it in the brain.
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And then when this new habit is made,
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then the old habit is still available.
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But the new habit comes instead of the old habit.
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And it's just a question of choosing.
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Do I want to be depressed or do
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I want to go to scuba now?
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It's like you have a switch and you can choose.
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It may still take some effort,
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but you can do it sometimes.
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It doesn't take any effort anymore because
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the switch stays under right position.
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Yeah, if the new habit becomes
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more sexy than the old one.