Asthma? Are you short of breath? Difficulties breathing? Asthma frequently occurs with allergies and is an expression of chronically infected airways. When these are infected, too many stimuli enter, which in turn can lead to an attack.
What are symptoms of asthma?
In asthma there is difficulty breathing. Furthermore, people with asthma frequently have difficulties with coughing and breathe in a squeaking manner. Asthma occurs in all age groups. Except for difficulties breathing, people with asthma also often experience a suffocating feeling, because there is not enough fresh air in their lungs.
In some cases, asthma can suddenly disappear, because the contraction which made breathing difficult suddenly is gone. Sometimes this happens at the hand of medication, and in other cases it happens spontaneously.
While asthma complaints do not constantly occur, they can cause serious discomforts for the patient. It reduces one's immune system and can lead to other problems such as, for example, an anxiety disorder.
Asthma is expressed differently in certain age groups. Asthma, for example, is very difficult to diagnose in children younger than 5 years of age, because many young children sometimes suffer from difficult breathing. We often see that asthma either worsens or reduces through puberty. While asthma disappears during puberty, it does not mean that the issues are gone forever. Sometimes, asthma can suddenly pop up again later on.
What are the risk factors of asthma?
There are some types of stimuli which can trigger asthma and its attacks. Below you will find a list of the stimuli which might add to asthma complaints:
- Allergy
- Mold
- Pollen
- Flakes of animal skins
- Medication
- Animal protein
- Smoking
- Chemical smells, such as when painting and cleaning
- Perfume
- Stress
- Hyperventilation
- Anxiety
- Intense emotions
- Intense efforts
- Infection of the airways
What is good treatment for asthma?
There are different ways to treat asthma. You can always contact your doctor for this, who can guide you in treating physical symptoms and complaints of asthma. There is yet another important branch of symptoms and risk factors of asthma, which many people forget: psychological symptoms and causes.
"" developed a program, which was put together by doctors and psychologists, to propose an alternative approach for asthma. The program contains therapeutic, scientific techniques which help you to treat asthma and its accompanying symptoms. The program can help you to strengthen your immune system and thereby reduce your vulnerability to attacks. Furthermore, you can treat the psychological symptoms and causes, so that they can no longer trigger attacks.
In short, "" helps you to recognize warning signals which come before an attack, to reduce the frequency and duration of the attacks, and to strengthen you against these attacks, so that they are less intense than before. Learn today how you can lead a more balanced life, by working on both mind and body!
Asthma test?
Would you like to test whether certain causes and risk factors of asthma are applicable to you? Then take the free allergy test here!