Instant accessible help for your patients with stress, anxiety, exhaustion, depression, burnout, etc.?
Many general practitioners, psychologists, psychiatrists and other therapists and physicians in Belgium and the Netherlands recommend the program to their patients. This online recovery program:
is directly accessible without waiting times
supports the patient on a daily basis
was developed by a physician
has proven short and long-term results, based on analysis of DASS scores
contains the possibility for the patient to involve a buddy
contains progress reports which the patient can share with you as (primary) physician
Includes relapse prevention
To which patients can I recommend this program?
The patient who needs immediate help
You have referred a patient for mental health counseling, but there is a wait time and your patient indicates they cannot or do not want to wait. By recommending, the patient can start working on his or her recovery the same evening. Thus, the period until other help can be bridged. Experience has shown that in these situations, following may also be sufficient.
The patient who experiences help for mental health as a barrier
Some people with mental health complaints feel a barrier when it comes to asking for help for their complaints. Several factors can play a role:.
- The patient has the perception that he or she should be able to solve mental health problems on his or her own
- The patient has the image that it is not neat to "hang out your dirty laundry
- The patient is reluctant to talk to a therapist for other reasons
- The patient experiences practical problems such as asking for time off work is a low-threshold form of help for many patients. They can do the program independently and anonymously at their convenience. They do not have to talk to a therapist. They can measure their own progress.
The patient for whom previous therapies did not work contains the effective elements of solution-focused therapy. Different forms of therapy can work for different people. Participants of who previously attended other forms of therapy without recovery did benefit from Below in her video testimonial, Nejla talks about her journey to recovery through many forms of therapy.
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Hey. Hello.
00:01.028 --> 00:02.013
My name is Nejla.
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I'm 31 years old, and I want to tell you
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something about my experience with
00:11.030 --> 00:13.182
So my story goes a few years
00:13.256 --> 00:16.206
back, I had a very stressful job.
00:16.328 --> 00:17.674
I was in a very toxic
00:17.722 --> 00:20.780
relationship and had family problems.
00:21.770 --> 00:24.790
This all led to panic attacks.
00:24.850 --> 00:27.020
It didn't stay with one panic attack.
00:27.350 --> 00:29.254
I had severe anxiety.
00:29.422 --> 00:35.122
And day in, day out panic attacks, panic attacks.
00:35.206 --> 00:37.650
I couldn't breathe properly.
00:38.390 --> 00:41.070
I had a hard time falling asleep.
00:42.830 --> 00:45.118
It just wasn't bearable anymore.
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So I was desperate to find a solution.
00:49.490 --> 00:53.382
I seeked for therapy, got in touch with a lot
00:53.396 --> 00:57.510
of therapists, unfortunately, also with a lot of scammers.
00:58.070 --> 01:02.214
And I lost a lot of money.
01:02.312 --> 01:04.890
But Besides that, I lost a lot of time,
01:04.940 --> 01:09.140
like half a year, which is a lot.
01:09.530 --> 01:11.538
So people, please don't make the same
01:11.564 --> 01:14.250
mistake I did, but find the right
01:14.300 --> 01:17.638
solution and try to avoid the scammers.
01:17.674 --> 01:18.920
So do your research.
01:22.170 --> 01:27.898
15 minutes a day can really change your life if you
01:27.924 --> 01:31.620
are consistent and do it for the full 30 days.
01:33.390 --> 01:35.182
If you learned yourself something, you
01:35.196 --> 01:37.630
can also unlearn yourself something.
01:37.800 --> 01:41.398
So in my case, it was panic attacks, and I had
01:41.424 --> 01:44.650
to break the vicious cycle of the fear, of the fear
01:45.150 --> 01:50.618
constant anxiety, and that you can only do by being consistent
01:50.714 --> 01:55.810
and have discipline and just do it for 30 days and
01:55.860 --> 02:00.000
you will see that there will be change.
02:01.530 --> 02:04.810
My panic attacks were diminished.
02:06.150 --> 02:07.990
I had less anxiety.
02:09.389 --> 02:11.398
Things are going the right way for me.
02:11.484 --> 02:13.318
I still have a lot of work to do, but
02:13.344 --> 02:15.886
they are really going the right way for me.
02:16.008 --> 02:17.602
It feels like the first time in
02:17.616 --> 02:20.350
my life that I'm following real therapy.
02:21.270 --> 02:26.734
And also what is very astonishing is the price.
02:26.892 --> 02:30.418
Like regular therapy will cost you a lot
02:30.444 --> 02:33.610
of money, but this is just like very
02:33.660 --> 02:36.120
little money for an entire month.
02:37.290 --> 02:39.720
And I find that crazy.
02:41.010 --> 02:44.126
So anyways, I hope this helps.
02:44.318 --> 02:47.978
If I can do it, you can do it too.
02:48.064 --> 02:52.340
So give it a try and yeah, go for it.
Patients with the biological conditions listed below
Learning habits that reduce stress is necessary for symptom improvement and/or improvement in quality of life in multiple conditions:
Specialty | Condition or symptom |
Cardiology | angor, palpitations, hypertension |
Dermatology | acne, allergy, eczema, hair loss, hives, psoriasis |
Endocrinology | Hashimoto-thyroidism, hyperthyroidism, metabolic syndrome, obesity, type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, Graves' disease |
Gastroenterology | coeliaki, ulcerative colitis, functional dyspepsia, gastritis, irritable bowel syndrome (IBD), reflux, Crohn's disease |
Gynecology | dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome |
Immunology | allergy, autoimmune diseases |
ENT surgery | dizziness, tinnitus, vertigo |
Nephrology | hypertension |
Neurology | chronic pain, epilepsy, memory and concentration problems, migraine, multiple sclerosis (MS), myasthenia gravis, sleep disorders, tension headache |
Oncology | anxiety, chemotherapy side effects, nausea, despondency, pain management |
Ophthalmology | glaucoma |
Orthopedics | back pain, muscle pain |
Pneumology | asthma, hyperventilation |
Rheumatology | chronic pain, fibromyalgia, lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma, spondylarthritis, Sjörgen's syndrome |
Urology | erectile dysfunction, impotence, prostatitis, stress urinary incontinence |
Following works for the various conditions because:
- Teaching habits that reduce stress leads to improvement in symptoms or decrease in symptom intensity, duration or frequency. This happens because A. blood cortisol levels decrease and B. excessive stimulation of the orthosympathetic nervous system is better compensated by the parasympathetic nervous system.
- Replacing problematic habits with healthy, desirable habits leads to more effective treatment of conditions such as type 2 diabetes.
The above applies both to stressful factors unrelated to the patient's condition and to the stress the patient experiences as a result of having specific symptoms, having a disease and the impact on their life, treatment and possible uncertainty about disease progression.
Informal caregivers and other loved ones of patients
Informal caregivers often become exhausted due to "invisible" stress. This means that they do not experience the stressful circumstances themselves as stress despite increased cortisol production and other physical stress responses from the body. The program is about (re)discovering desirable habits so that the caregiver can continue to care for their loved one without becoming exhausted themselves.
Also for partners, family members and friends who are not caregivers, it can be important to find desirable habits that reduce stress. For this group, stress can occur, for example, when a loved one is seen suffering, there is uncertainty about the course of the illness, or when the loved one may say or do worrisome or hurtful things as part of their illness, and you yourself start walking on eggshells.
Doctors recommend for a variety of reasons
"From 'Borderline Times' p.219 by Prof. Dr. Dirk De Wachter"
The reactions of my patients who use it surprise me again and again. has response and encourages engagement.
In this regard, I can recommend '' as a high quality and very reliable program that can present very beautiful results.
00:00.000 --> 00:02.482
Hello, I'm Philip Mast.
00:02.566 --> 00:07.170
I'm urologist in Belgium and I had the
00:07.280 --> 00:14.513
opportunity to test myself the ''
00:14.810 --> 00:18.990
program, which was very helpful in my personal view
00:19.100 --> 00:22.050
and in my personal experience to get out of
00:22.160 --> 00:24.726
negativism and get positive again.
00:24.908 --> 00:27.594
It was very important for me.
00:27.632 --> 00:29.326
It broadened my horizon.
00:29.458 --> 00:31.542
It put me back on the rails
00:31.662 --> 00:34.926
and was a very, very good experience.
00:35.108 --> 00:38.170
It helped me in contact with my patients.
00:38.230 --> 00:41.838
It helped me also in my daily practice and with the
00:41.864 --> 00:46.554
patients, with my employees and also in my private life.
00:46.712 --> 00:51.217
It helped me to get positive thoughts, to
00:51.167 --> 00:55.129
get a new or a better feeling.
00:55.080 --> 00:57.918
And it was necessary to do it every day.
00:58.064 --> 01:00.620
And it helped because it was also
01:01.370 --> 01:03.560
very easy to do at home.
01:04.430 --> 01:08.650
It has a lot threshold and it gives excellent
01:08.710 --> 01:12.140
results if you persist and do it every day.
01:13.970 --> 01:16.590
You told me that you have several patients that you refer
01:16.640 --> 01:21.342
to the program, and you told me some concrete samples of
01:21.416 --> 01:23.850
what people told you how it affected their lives.
01:23.960 --> 01:25.026
Can you expand on that?
01:25.088 --> 01:29.540
Well, the negativism got away.
01:30.110 --> 01:34.282
They were thinking differently, and they were forced
01:34.366 --> 01:38.398
by the program to think positive and positively.
01:38.434 --> 01:41.574
And this has a great impact, they told me, on
01:41.612 --> 01:45.402
their life because they got out of the shell again
01:45.476 --> 01:48.694
and they were able to put some context.
01:48.742 --> 01:52.278
They have a positive self esteem again, and
01:52.304 --> 01:54.666
it was very important for these people.
01:54.788 --> 01:57.438
They told me also that you have to go on
01:57.464 --> 02:01.170
with it for quite a time, and afterwards it gets
02:01.220 --> 02:05.526
automatically positive thinking another way to view things.
02:05.648 --> 02:08.780
And if it gets worse because you don't do it
02:09.110 --> 02:12.282
for a while, you can put it back on and
02:12.356 --> 02:16.398
go again and have a good effect of the program. Yeah.
02:16.424 --> 02:19.038
So you mean that if someone stops a little bit
02:19.064 --> 02:22.690
too early and they have a beginning of a relapse
02:22.750 --> 02:26.514
that they can take on take on again and that
02:26.552 --> 02:30.618
they will go on the rails back very quickly again.
02:30.764 --> 02:33.138
Then you told me one other example.
02:33.224 --> 02:36.414
You told about someone of your patients that
02:36.452 --> 02:38.790
you did not only see psychological effects, but
02:38.840 --> 02:43.174
that even physiological energy went up quite shortly
02:43.222 --> 02:45.618
after they started the program. Right.
02:45.704 --> 02:49.760
Because I saw them while having running, and
02:50.570 --> 02:53.322
she looked very bad at the first time.
02:53.336 --> 02:57.102
And then I expected her to say that she had to go
02:57.116 --> 03:00.018
to the program '', and she did it.
03:00.104 --> 03:03.762
And the weeks afterwards, she looked very much better
03:03.896 --> 03:06.718
and told me afterwards that it was very helpful
03:06.814 --> 03:09.920
to get her in the positive thinking again, and
03:10.490 --> 03:13.890
physiologically and physically even she was better.
03:14.060 --> 03:14.466
03:14.528 --> 03:17.422
So you see like a kind of double impact,
03:17.566 --> 03:21.270
because on one side, the program works on the
03:21.320 --> 03:24.678
brain patterns and the thoughts, but indirectly it has
03:24.704 --> 03:26.866
a kind of physiological effect on the brain.
03:26.938 --> 03:29.070
I think the brain works better.
03:29.240 --> 03:31.686
It has more power to do with
03:31.688 --> 03:34.234
the other things than thinking negatively.
03:34.402 --> 03:40.278
That was my experience too when I was getting on
03:40.304 --> 03:44.430
the computer to do it that for myself the negative
03:44.930 --> 03:49.820
ideas went away and the positive thinking gives you more
03:51.890 --> 03:55.578
possibilities of having your brain work better and do things
03:55.604 --> 04:01.650
that you need every day working, running, to do some physical
04:02.390 --> 04:07.110
things have envy to do these things and not got
04:07.160 --> 04:09.370
back in your shell.
04:09.490 --> 04:11.550
If you look at your patients and you would
04:11.600 --> 04:16.038
compare doing this daily automatic exercise with this program
04:16.124 --> 04:21.137
compared to going to a psychotherapist, what are the
04:21.164 --> 04:24.402
differences, what's more useful when according to well I
04:24.416 --> 04:28.760
think that the low threshold of these possibilities with
04:29.390 --> 04:33.690
'' is an amazing great thing
04:33.740 --> 04:36.438
because otherwise you go once in a week once
04:36.464 --> 04:39.082
in a month to a psychologist or a psychiatrist
04:39.166 --> 04:42.618
and afterwards you don't have follow up here you
04:42.644 --> 04:45.034
give your own follow up every day and that's
04:45.082 --> 04:48.960
helps in getting these positive effects.Okay, great.Thanks.
Dr. Mast himself followed and has since recommended the program to his patients as well
Research results: short-term and long-term symptom reduction
At the 19th World Congress of Psychiatry in 2019, Dr. Paul Koeck presented the research results of 5,000 participants. The data consisted of the participants' DASS-21 scores (Depression Anxiety Stress Scale) and a subjective 'life satisfaction' scale. These scales were administered every 7 days while following the program with retesting 3 to 6 years after following the program.
Results: The median showed stress reduction of 56% in 21 days and increased life satisfaction of 40% in 21 days. The median remained stable for at least 6 years after following the program.
More information about this study and the results can be found on the research page.
Follow-up studies with more than 10,000 participants once again showed symptom-free after 21 days and a 70% stress reduction after 49 days.
For which symptoms can I recommend the program?
The program leads to recovery in many complaints:
- Stress
- Burn-out
- Depression
- Panic
- Anxiety
- Addiction
- Fatigue
- Psychosomatic complaints
- Tinnitus
- Hyperventilation
- See also the earlier list under section 'Patients with biological disorders below' leads to recovery in many complaints thanks to the combination of A: addressing the basis of mental complaints and B: the patient's ability to customize the program to what he or she needs.
The program addresses the basis of mental complaints by teaching the patient to : 1. identify his or her own problematic habits 2. identify desirable habits and 3. start doing more of the desirable habits and less of the problematic habits.
It is possible for patients to customize the program to what he or she needs thanks to specific modules that the patient can choose in addition to the basic fundamental module.
How can I recommend to my patient?
You can refer your patient to the main page where he or she can first take the self-test or enroll in the program directly.
It is important for the patient to understand that the recovery program is not a passive treatment like medication or certain other forms of therapy. To achieve results, the patient must make a daily effort. This allows actual lasting change to be achieved that lasts beyond the program. Of course, the energy limitations that are often present in patients with such symptoms have been taken into account.
Who pays? Patients will have to make their own choice to follow the program and sign up for 77€ euros per month. The program is not covered by insurance.
How long should my patient follow the program? The median is symptom-free within one month. Depending on the severity and long-term history of the symptoms, it is recommended to follow the program longer to get even further improvement in quality of life and to follow the relapse prevention module when the patient is ready. The program is not automatically extended. Again, this is something the participant must choose for himself.
As a physician, can I monitor my patient's evolution? Do I get reports?
Yes. Every week we automatically prepare a comprehensive report. This report is sent to the patient and he or she can also share it with you. So the responsibility here lies entirely with the patient and it is his/her decision to share this information with you. In this way, we encourage him or her to engage in dialogue with you as a physician. This supports the message that medical diagnosis is never done by software but only by a physician.
Dr. Paul Koecks TEDx presentation on
00:05.775 --> 00:11.036
whom of you has never had a friend
00:11.500 --> 00:18.300
who was suffering stress,
anxiety, depression, tension.
00:19.680 --> 00:23.040
Who of you has never had a moment that you are worried that
00:23.050 --> 00:28.270
you were forgetting some words,
or worried if your memory
00:28.280 --> 00:30.401
is still functioning well?
00:30.401 --> 00:33.324
Because centuries ago
00:33.410 --> 00:36.020
this only happened when you were 85.
00:36.480 --> 00:41.590
But recently we discovered in our society that even young
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people I even get emails from schoolchildren who are asking me
00:46.610 --> 00:49.570
Doctor, am I suffering a burn out?
00:49.960 --> 00:55.350
And unfortunately it starts at younger
and younger ages.
00:55.360 --> 01:00.470
And what happens is that when stress, whatever kind of stress
01:00.470 --> 01:05.700
that happens in our lives is stimulating our adrenaline,
01:05.710 --> 01:09.179
our cortisol and several other
stress hormones.
01:09.179 --> 01:12.670
There's a kind of poisoning of the brain,
01:12.670 --> 01:19.146
and the first organ that's attacked is part of our brain, the hippocampus
01:19.146 --> 01:22.641
where the concentration and our
memory is situated.
01:23.013 --> 01:27.910
And because of that, we are getting difficulty in being focused
01:27.920 --> 01:31.987
on that what we want
on whom we want to be
01:31.987 --> 01:34.428
and what we want to achieve in life.
01:34.470 --> 01:38.960
And more and more we start to experience when stress is happening
01:38.970 --> 01:42.791
negative stress at least, that we
have the feeling like
01:42.791 --> 01:48.630
we don't have our brain as an organ anymore in order to make
01:48.640 --> 01:51.471
the right decisions and to live
a happy life.
01:51.471 --> 01:57.070
It's like some people start to feel the hopelessness and the sadness.
01:57.060 --> 02:01.501
Some people start to feel anxiety
and tension.
02:01.670 --> 02:06.365
Others are getting so tired that it's
like they say,
02:06.365 --> 02:10.699
I'm broken down and I don't know what to do anymore.
02:10.710 --> 02:12.200
I don't know who I am anymore.
02:12.210 --> 02:15.790
I'm completely losing myself.
02:17.220 --> 02:19.800
And this is happening more and more frequently.
02:20.220 --> 02:23.250
It's happening more and more since the mobile phone, since
02:23.250 --> 02:27.270
Facebook, since Messenger, since a lot of influences are
02:27.660 --> 02:32.327
coming to our brain and our brain cannot digest it anymore
02:32.337 --> 02:37.450
at the speed that we try to live our lives and to try to
02:37.540 --> 02:39.741
be the persons whom we want to be.
02:40.130 --> 02:43.893
Now, however there is hope
02:44.435 --> 02:48.373
because what we see in our survey,
in our results
02:48.373 --> 02:52.271
analyzing 3,000 patients who have followed the program
02:52.271 --> 02:55.061
where we are analyzing what works and what doesn't work.
02:55.333 --> 03:00.550
We have been able now to develop protocols where people
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who are in that situation within three weeks of time.
03:03.660 --> 03:07.890
So the average patient who follows this type of protocols
03:08.340 --> 03:13.490
in three weeks of time reaches normal levels of stress, anxiety
03:13.520 --> 03:15.260
and depresivity again.
03:15.950 --> 03:21.540
So technically it is possible to decrease the stress in a
03:21.540 --> 03:24.540
pretty short amount of time in several weeks of time.
03:24.550 --> 03:29.430
And if we take an anti depressive medication, it also takes
03:29.440 --> 03:33.870
about three weeks of time and a good self help system takes
03:34.110 --> 03:37.410
on average three weeks of time for some people more for some
03:37.420 --> 03:37.980
people, less.
03:38.200 --> 03:42.640
And what we measured is that the level of life satisfaction
03:42.640 --> 03:46.270
and happiness can increase with 40% in three weeks of time
03:46.540 --> 03:48.730
has been measured on 3,000 people.
03:50.880 --> 03:59.540
Now, what makes that people fail in living these happy lives
04:00.080 --> 04:04.689
because we are all born to live the lives that we want to live,
04:04.689 --> 04:06.860
to become the person we want to be.
04:06.870 --> 04:10.630
We have a kind of innate desire to become the person we want to be.
04:10.620 --> 04:12.920
And it's like our software goes there.
04:12.930 --> 04:16.070
And when we see that something makes it impossible for us
04:16.079 --> 04:19.519
to reach this dream and this goal,
this negative stress
04:19.529 --> 04:20.300
starts to happen.
04:20.440 --> 04:22.823
But what makes that some people
04:22.823 --> 04:26.480
can cope with it, and some others don't.
04:27.260 --> 04:34.380
Those who cope with it, at least those who fail are those
04:34.390 --> 04:39.850
who first of all, don't make a decision, that it's a priority
04:40.180 --> 04:47.660
to manage this in our society where stress is so frequent around us.
04:47.660 --> 04:49.651
So the first reason why people fail is
04:49.651 --> 04:51.070
They don't make a decision.
04:51.260 --> 04:55.400
Maybe they go to the physician, maybe to the psycologist.
04:55.540 --> 04:58.210
But that doesn't even mean they
took the decision.
04:58.800 --> 05:03.880
From today on, I'm going to change my life and do something about it.
05:03.880 --> 05:07.822
The second reason is they don't
have a system
05:08.200 --> 05:10.220
they don't know how to do it.
05:10.220 --> 05:13.590
So the second reason why people don't find solutions is
05:13.590 --> 05:14.880
they don't have a system.
05:15.160 --> 05:19.949
The third reason is they quite often don't have access to knowledge.
05:19.949 --> 05:22.360
And you could say, yes there's a lot of it on YouTube,
05:22.510 --> 05:25.780
but where to start to find what's good knowledge and what's
05:25.790 --> 05:26.740
not the right knowledge.
05:26.980 --> 05:30.310
So a lot of people don't succeed because they don't have
05:30.320 --> 05:33.340
access to the right type of insights and knowledge.
05:34.500 --> 05:40.700
Fourth reason is that they don't work on it with a system
05:40.710 --> 05:45.470
on a daily, consistent basis, because whatever you do, if
05:45.590 --> 05:50.667
you want to make a change in your life,
it requires changing habits,
05:50.667 --> 05:53.810
because when you are in a depression
or in a state of anxiety
05:53.810 --> 05:57.609
or in a burnout, it's because you have developed habits
05:57.609 --> 06:00.260
that are not adapted to a happy life anymore.
06:00.500 --> 06:03.950
And your challenge is to develop new habits.
06:04.140 --> 06:07.770
And that's what's starting to fail at certain moments.
06:07.820 --> 06:12.380
And when I realized that I was wondering with some colleagues,
06:12.390 --> 06:13.610
What can we do about it?
06:13.640 --> 06:16.970
Because a lot of people don't go to the physician, a lot
06:16.980 --> 06:20.090
of people don't go to the psychiatrist, other psychologists.
06:20.100 --> 06:23.000
And even if they would go, they might be on a waiting list
06:23.010 --> 06:26.090
for three weeks for five weeks in some countries, even for
06:26.100 --> 06:30.109
seven months before they get access to the right kind of help.
06:30.109 --> 06:32.970
And maybe they even will not have the right match with
06:32.980 --> 06:34.110
the right type of therapies.
06:34.100 --> 06:37.490
So when I discovered that and when I discovered that a lot
06:37.500 --> 06:41.930
of people in my medical practice called me and they say,
06:41.940 --> 06:43.610
No, I've been sent by this doctor.
06:43.620 --> 06:46.610
I said Oh this is strange because he's already five years retired.
06:46.980 --> 06:47.760
Yeah, doctor.
06:47.790 --> 06:52.650
But he gave me your telephone number six years ago, but I
06:52.660 --> 06:54.300
didn't have the courage to call you.
06:54.310 --> 06:57.930
So I was thinking, what can we do to make something more
06:57.940 --> 06:59.100
accessible and easier?
06:59.110 --> 07:02.510
And at that moment, we discovered that
07:02.510 --> 07:04.290
with Internet there is a lot of possibilities.
07:04.420 --> 07:09.400
And we tried to see what can we do to offer a daily solution?
07:09.680 --> 07:12.890
Because if you don't change your habit on a daily basis,
07:13.040 --> 07:16.670
if you only go once a week to the psychotherapist or once
07:16.700 --> 07:21.200
every two weeks and you don't do something every day to train
07:21.320 --> 07:24.920
the new skills and to reverse even the biological process
07:24.950 --> 07:25.610
in your brain.
07:25.820 --> 07:29.210
Because what we have seen that even if some brain cells are
07:29.220 --> 07:32.640
damaged biologically because of the chronic stress, you can
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reverse most of that by training these brain areas in the right way.
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But then you need a consistent system.
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So what's very important is that science is focusing more
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and more not only on having a nice talk, to give someone
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a nice insight, but to help people to deliver them a system
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where step by step, they can build up
the competence
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to rebuild new habits.
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And that's what we have seen now in our research.
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At this moment, we have like 400000 people who took our free
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test on the internet on the website,
08:11.410 --> 08:14.800
and about 3,000 of them followed the full program.
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And when we analyze their results, we see that the average
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client on the 3,000 that are in our
sample database, average client
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when they really do it every day,
when they really
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take 15 minutes a day,
and what do they do?
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They do selfreflection asking yourself kind of questions,
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who do I want to be?
08:35.559 --> 08:37.830
What type of life do I want to have?
08:38.260 --> 08:42.010
What type of a mother or father do I want to be for my children?
08:42.020 --> 08:44.260
What type of a professional
do I want to be?
08:44.270 --> 08:46.120
What type of a friend do I want to be?
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So what type of a person do I want to be?
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And what am I already doing that works in that direction,
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and that's what a good psychotherapist or software can do,
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ask you the right questions so that you start to get insight
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and what's useful for me.
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And the funny thing is when I analyze the first clients who
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did our program, they were giving us solutions.
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I was taking my anti depressive medication and so on.
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So I was a little bit scared because I didn't want to encourage
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medication too much, although it can be useful from time to time.
09:19.210 --> 09:22.540
But then after a week, I saw that the responses were shifting
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to I did some meditation, and that's already better.
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But it feels something that you have to do in a systematic way.
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And then after some weeks, the type of answers that came were
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I went to the swimming pool with my three year old daughter.
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I went for a walk, I listened to some music.
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I called a friend on the telephone.
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And then we see that what people need is to reconnect with
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the original solutions and resources of normal, happy life
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and when they can reconnect again.
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And that's what the brain makes impossible when you are in
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this negative viscious circle, it becomes almost impossible
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to reconnect the brain to
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That what you already know from before.
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And when you ask people with a systematic approach,
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the right questions on a daily basis.
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At that moment, people will start to find solutions.
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So if you're interested to find out, go to the website
10:18.639 --> 10:21.540 and do the test and have a look.
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Thanks a lot.
10:22.340 --> 10:23.460
Thank you