Migraine is a problem which is often talked about. First it was not acknowledged by many as a disease, but it has become more and more common. Medication for migraine is even often reimbursed and migraine is recognized as a valid reason for absence in many companies. Still, it is difficult to determine when you have a normal headache and when we can speak instead of a migraine attack. This article describes the symptoms of a migraine attack and also helps you when it comes to what exactly you can do to reduce these attacks.
Migraine attack: the symptoms of migraine
Migraine generally occurs more in women than in men. It can also start at an early age. Some people have their first migraine attack already at age 11. Oftentimes, the attacks reduce after 45 years of age. A migraine attack generally lasts between 4 and 72 hours, if they are not treated. Anything shorter or longer than this period of time tends not to be a migraine. If you have a migraine attack, you suffer from a dull headache, which is often centered at one side of your head. During they day you feel like you have a light headache, which gets worse over time and turns into a migraine attack. A migraine attack often also gets worse when we have to perform physically. If the attack really reaches its peak, you often shy away from light and your headache might even lead to nausea or vomiting. Some people treat their migraine attack by lying down in bed in a dark room and sleeping until the attack has passed. That which is interesting is that 62% of the people who suffer from migraine, also suffer tension headaches. This means that 62% of people with migraine get a headache due to tension. An example of this could be a stressful day at work or during exams. It can be so that, because you are stressed, that you suffer more migraine attacks. It often also is so that people first suffer a general tension headache, which later on turns into a migraine attack.
Migraine attack: treatment
In the case of a migraine attack, it is useful to do something about your level of stress. Because migraine and tension headaches are so closely linked, it might be so that if you remove tension and stress, your migraine attacks will also reduce. 15 Minutes 4 Me developed an online self-help program which guides you in the treatment of your tension and stress, so that you can reduce your attacks this way after some time, too.
Migraine attack: take the stress test!
To know to what extent stress plays a role in your migraine attack, you can take the free online stress test!