Migraine has had a rough time being recognized as an official illness. When you have migraine, you will often hear people say that you exaggerate, or that it is not that bad to have a little headache. But migraine is much worse than just a headache, and people with migraine will agree to this. Everyone has a headache sometimes, but the influence which migraine can have on your body or on your day is much bigger. In this article, we will describe migraine symptoms and possible treatment types for migraine symptoms, too.

Migraine symptoms: symptoms of migraine

Migraine often starts slowly during the day, and gets worse as the day goes on. Migraine is a dull headache, which often is found at just one side of your head. When you have a migraine attack, you find it difficult to tolerate light and you often feel nauseous or have to throw up. Migraine can occur from a young age. Sometimes, an 11-year-old can already experience a migraine attack. If migraine is not treated, it can last between 4 to 72 hours, generally speaking. Anything which takes more or less time than this, is likely to not be a migraine. Migraine is such a bad headache, that most people are unable to do anything but lie in their bed and wait for their headache to pass. It is often also difficult to find medication which helps the attacks or migraine symptoms to reduce. Furthermore, migraine can also be linked to stress. 62% of people who experience stress, namely suffer from tension headaches. These are headaches which are caused by tension or stress. You might also notice that you experience more migraine attacks or migraine symptoms when you are stressed or when you have had a busy day.

Migraine symptoms: treatment

Because migraine symptoms so often go together with tension headaches and stress, it is useful to eliminate or reduce stress. Even if you do not suffer from tension headaches, it can be so that stress makes your attacks occur more frequently or more severely. 15 Minutes 4 Me is an online self-help program which can support you in the treatment of stress and tension. It can therefore help you to reduce the migraine and accompanying migraine symptoms.

Migraine symptoms: take the stress test!

To know if stress might have an influence on your migraine attacks or migraine symptoms, you can take the free stress test in order to know what your stress level is.