Traumas are major, negative events, which sometimes occur in our lives. They are often the source of stress. Could they lead to the development of a burnout? This article tries to portray the influence of a trauma on the development of a burnout.
From trauma to burnout
Traumas can develop from many different situations. A few examples are: a divorce, the passing of a loved one, abuse,... These are negative events which affect us a lot. They often have major consequences: depression, anxiety, stress,... Burnout, too, can be a consequence of a trauma. people have different ways of responding to events. If a trauma has such a large influence on us as a person, this can also affect our daily functioning. You find it more difficult to remember things, because you are constantly thinking about the trauma. You are tired because you find it difficult to sleep well after the trauma happened. These are just a few examples of how a trauma can cause stress and fatigue. If these symptoms are present for an extended period of time, it might be so that a burnout is at play.
And what about daily frustrations?
Even when daily frustrations and annoyances add up, burnout can develop. Examples could be your husband/wife whining when you come home, your work piling up,... When everyday things add up, this can lead to the development of a burnout.
Can I avoid this?
Yes, burnout after a trauma or daily frustrations can be avoided. You might have read it in between the lines, but the development from a burnout is caused by our own response to an event. Of course, this does not mean that some people find it easy to process traumas, but those who do not develop a burnout have a better way of handling the events than those who do develop a burnout. This plan of attack is the way in which you deal with the trauma or the daily frustrations, and how you process the events. People with burnout often find it difficult to let go of things, or are very perfectionistic.
15 Minutes 4 Me helps you to avoid burnout
15 Minutes 4 Me is an online self-help program, which is based on solution focused therapy. At the hand of daily questions and videos, you can thus work on your way of dealing with things. Thanks to this support, 15 Minutes 4 Me can help you to reduce your stress by up to 77% in one month.
How do I test my burnout?
Except for the online self-help program, 15 Minutes 4 Me also offers a free burnout test, which you can fill out in 5 minutes. After the questions, you are integrally sent to a page with your scores.and their accompanying interpretation.