Burnout is becoming more and more common. 1 in 20 employees is at home with burnout. This makes burnout one of the largest factors of illness. Healing burnout also takes more time than most other illnesses, for example when comparing burnout to the flu. Burnout could easily take several months to heal. When someone has had a burnout, they are also more at risk of developing a new burnout. But how come that some are more vulnerable to burnout than others? And if you have or have had a burnout, how do you deal with it? In this article we describe what you can do to prevent burnout, how to reintegrate after burnout, and what relapse prevention is. Finally, we will also describe how to treat burnout.
Reintegration after burnout: prevention of burnout
Burnout is in most cases developed through a combination of work pressure and pressure someone puts on themselves. Why some people more easily develop a burnout than others, is because of the type of work pressure which they experience and the pressure they put on themselves. We can see that people working in health care have an increased chance of getting a burnout. In this sector it namely is so that many people work more than 8 hours at a time, and that one person does the job of several people. Another example is found in perfectionists. You will see that those people have a larger chance of developing burnout than people who can more easily let go of their work. What does prevention of burnout entail? Like the word indicates, burnout prevention has the goal of preventing burnout, by making people become aware of what works against their burnout and how they can do less of the things which cause burnout. Examples are a way in which the person handles things or certain thought patterns/behaviors. There are certain habits, like perfectionism, which make it so that you have an increased chance to develop burnout. Then there also are habits which can protect you from burnout, like sports. The goal of prevention is to do more of that which helps and less of that which does not help.
Reintegration after burnout: relapse prevention
When you go back to work after a burnout, this can be a large step. You want to get right back at where you left off, or are possibly not entirely healthy yet,.... Often, reintegration after burnout is difficult, because many people do not have treatment meaning their habits which caused the burnout are still the same, meaning they could cause another one. That is why it is important to work on relapse prevention or to treat your burnout, so that reintegration after burnout goes more smoothly. '15Minutes4Me.com' is an online self-help program, which is based on cognitive behavioral therapy and solution focused system therapy, developed to help people with burnout with reintegration. It can also be used as treatment, prevention, and relapse prevention in case of burnout.
Reintegration after burnout: do the stress test
If you want to know what your level of stress is, stress being a large cause of burnout, you can do the free stress test here anytime!