Since some people doubt it, your mental health does definitely affect your body. For example, depression can cause headaches and stress can trigger muscle tension. Psychologists agree that the body and mind cannot be separated. This was not always the case. For a long time, experts agreed that mind and body were extremely separate.
The impact of mental health on your body?
Several examples lead us to the conclusion that mental health affects our bodies and visa versa. For example, your mental health may be at the root of several physical complaints. These complaints are usually grouped under psychosomatic illnesses. However, the influence goes far beyond that. In fact, physical symptoms are counted among the symptoms of a whole range of mental problems.
In addition to a mutual influence of mental health and physical health, physical symptoms can also contribute to a vicious cycle of mental symptoms. For example, headaches can trigger feelings of guilt or shame because you think it is your own fault that you are in pain. In addition, physical symptoms can affect social relationships. To take the example of headaches, headaches can greatly reduce the frequency of social interactions. People with migraines, for example, may find it very difficult to plan a night out, as they often have to cancel due to their migraines.
Address physical symptoms!
If you suffer from physical symptoms as a result of a mental problem, it is helpful to address the underlying reason. So in this regard, it is interesting to seek help for your mental symptoms in order to improve physical symptoms as well. is an online self-help program, which guides you daily in addressing physical and mental complaints in order to improve your mental and physical health. It teaches you more about your symptoms and discovers with you what you can implement in your daily life to live a healthier life.
Would you like to know to what extent you suffer from mental complaints such as stress and anxiety? Then do the free self-test here!