Presentation Press Conference
- Download Powerpoint presentation by Dr. Paul Koeck
Latest Press interviews in dutch:
- Read the article in the Flemish Artsenkrant about this study here!
- The magazine Psyche and Brain followed the program for 1 month and describes how their editor experienced the program!
- Download the complete press article as word document with all text and graphs.
Watch our latest TV Interviews in Dutch @
- (presentation of '15 Minutes 4 Me')
- (ATV: 1 year '15 Minutes 4 Me'),
- (interview about stress),
TV Interview with Dr. Paul Koeck about online self-help
Average Stress decrease during online selfhelp program 'Mijn Kwartier'
Average stress reduction in our participants as compared to their stress at the start
After 1 week, the stress reduces by one-fourth or 27% of the initial stress. After 2 weeks, the stress reduces by over one-third or 37% to 63% of what it was at the beginning. After 3 weeks, the stress reduces by more than half or 54% to 46% of the initial stress. After 5 weeks, the stress reduces by over two-thirds, or 75% to 23 of the initial stress. .
Increase in Life satisfaction
In 1 week, the average life satisfaction increases by 17% to 117% of the initial score
The free self-test
In case you want to take the free stress test with which we measure and follow-up our results, you can click here.