No time for stress

Our lives today are determined by a clock. Or rather, by a stop watch. It comes as no surprise that the unreasonable demands on both our physical energies and mental faculties lead to stress and fatigue. Anxiety, anger and depression are a few of the many reactions that we develop to fight stress. In turn, this leads to a lack of energy and, of course, fatigue. While stress tests the limits of our strength and capability, fatigue causes lack of vigor and enthusiasm.


Situations that trigger stress are stressors, which deal us the deadly combination of unhappiness and sickness. It is time to take a reality check on the root causes of stress and take action on ways to combat the resulting fatigue.

Exercise fights stress

A study conducted by UCSF has concluded that a few minutes of exercise a day can mitigate the harmful effects of stress and help overcome fatigue. According to the study, exercise woks on a cellular level to reduce stress. The research, which has been pioneered by top scientists including Elissa Epel, Elizabeth Blackburn and Eli Puterman, explains that less than an hour of physical activity a day can protect stressed out individuals from a range of diseases such as diabetes, heart attacks and early death. Exercise reduces cellular ageing and hence, disease development and fatigue.

Stress bows to vigorous activity

Physical activity undertaken to fight stress and fatigue needs to be vigorous. That is, the activity should induce sweating or an increased heart rate. In a related study, UCSF conducted a test on sixty three healthy post menopausal women for a year. Each of them looked after a family member suffering from dementia.

They were divided into two groups, one active with regular exercise and the other inactive with a sedentary lifestyle. The telomeres in WBCs of the immune system were examined. It was proved on a chromosomal level that the active group could handle stress better and were less prone to symptoms of fatigue and other stressors. The latter or inactive group had shorter telomeres associated with aging and disease.

Requirements for a stress free life

According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the following exercise regimen is recommended. It reduces the harmful effects of stress and fatigue.


  • 75 minutes of brisk activity a week.
  • 150 minutes of moderate activity with weight training.

Children and Adolescents

  • 90 minutes of activity a day.

Take a stress test

If you are too stressed out to unravel the dangers lurking behind stressful situations, check out our self help program . It guides you on effective stress control methods and fatigue prevention. Test if you have too much stress with our free online self test!

Stay fit, stay stress free

Yes, it is time to take off to the gym or the park. Take out your cycle or put on your jogging shoes. Take stress by its horns by using the yoga mat. A few minutes of heightened activity a day is all it takes to keep stress at bay and fatigue away!