Burnout in general practitioners and physicians
Burnout is common in helping professions such as general practitioners, nurses, specialists and other social workers. People who want to help others often forget about themselves. As a result, burnout in physicians occurs more often than desired.
How common is burnout among family physicians?
The Federal Knowledge Center for Health Care (KCE) studied the problem of burnout among physicians and general practitioners and proposed a number of action points. This is because up to 10% of general practitioners are estimated to be at risk or actually suffering from burnout.
How can burnout in physicians be prevented or cured?
A number of physicians under the inspiration of Dr. Eric Boydens are working on the creation of a new association that will bring physicians together to help other physicians. The idea is to give physicians the opportunity to anonymously seek help from other physicians.
How do physicians help doctors address burnout?
This help may be about specifically addressing or preventing burnout in physician practice. Equally, it will become possible for physicians to seek practical help or advice from each other on other aspects of their practice management. a physician is by no means trained as a manager at university. And yet he is expected to run his practice like a successful mini-enterprise. Practical help in these areas is also a way to prevent burnout among physicians.
Burnout counseling for physicians by physicians
Physicians will have the opportunity to receive burnout counseling by fellow physicians within the framework of their professional confidentiality by physicians who are following specialized training as physician burnout counselors. Information about this will soon be available on the doctors4doctors.be website.
Please be patient: doctors 4 doctors is being set up and will soon be launched. We will keep you informed!
The self-help programme '15Minutes4Me.com' helps doctors with burnout
To keep the threshold for counseling low, physicians with burnout can follow the online self-help program '15Minutes4Me.com'. In the current version of '15Minutes4Me.com', they learn to cope with their burnout and stress-related symptoms. In consultation with Doctors 4 Doctors, 15Minutes4Me.com is working on specific modules for doctors and general practitioners that will be built into version 2.0 of the self-help program. The idea is that doctors will be able to choose in a low-threshold way whether they prefer to follow online self-help, or prefer counseling, or a combination of both forms of assistance.
Free burnout test
Would you like to see for yourself whether you are at risk of stress, anxiety, depression or burn-out? Then do the free online self-test now.