We all want it, to increase our joy in life. But how exactly do we do that? What exactly can you do to make sure you feel happier in your skin, your environment, in your life in general? Here are some basic tips that can help increase your joy in life.
Tips 1: Be happy with what you already have.
It sounds a bit obvious, but often we are always looking for more so we sometimes lose sight of what we already have. In addition, you can also be unhappy with what you already have, but this, however, often forms the basis for what you can add to happiness later. Moreover, happiness often has to do with a way of thinking rather than a way of having. Remember, "He who does not honor the small is not worth the big.
Tip #2: Think about personal goals.
Often people mix happiness with what is expected of them or what they are expected to achieve. Sometimes there may indeed be an overlap here between what makes you happy and what is "expected," however, in many cases it may differ. So it is useful to think about what can make you happy and what you enjoy doing. Is it taking up a new hobby or traveling the world? Try to think for yourself, starting from how you know yourself.
Tip 3: Plan achievable goals.
Planning a world trip is a nice idea, but if you have no money, your whole plan may fall apart. So it is useful to think about small achievable goals and build up to big goals, which you would like to achieve or fulfill. These can be simple things like going for a walk or going to that restaurant everyone talks about so often.
Joy of life? How do you reach your goals?
The previous tips can already set you on the path, but in many cases it is easier said than done. People are creatures of habit, so it can be difficult to break certain habits.
15Minutes4Me.com therefore offers daily support in the form of a therapeutic online self-help program that guides you daily in naming and realizing "healthy habits" that can contribute to increasing your life's happiness. Created by doctors and psychologists, the program helps you reduce unhealthy habits and replace them with healthy ones.
Joy of life? Take the test!
Would you like to know to what extent you face daily feelings of stress, anxiety or depression? Then take the free depression test here and find out how you can increase your joy in life!