Overcome your stress with our Stress Measurement App
Our mission is to help millions of people to live the life they want, with satisfaction and free of stress, burnout, anxiety or depression through our knowledge and expertise.
We want to help people with stress, burnout, anxiety or depression help themselves live a happier life with satisfaction for themselves and their beloved ones.
Our stress measurement app will help you:
- discover new solutions.
- explore which choices do help you and which don't.
- repeat the best solutions until they become spontaneous habits.
- anchor those habits until you can prevent relapses.
- online, at your own pace, fully anonymous
So that you will again:
- be satisfied and enjoy your life.
- be able to help important others and make them feel happy.
- live your life the way you want.
Why choose for our online stress measurement app?
Our computer program is personalized and developed by Physicians.
We are 7 days on 7, 24 hours on 24 online. You do not need to make an appointment. There are no waiting times. You log in whenever you want.
You coach yourself online 15 minutes per day during 1 month. If you want you can later still opt for a longer period.
You help yourself from your living room at home. No tiring journeys!
You can attend the program alone or ask a friend or family member to assist you. We will make sure that they will be able to understand and support you better.
How does online self-help work?
You will learn how to focus on what works for you and do more of it, and do less of what is not helpful.
You will get more self-esteem and as a result you will search for solutions and discover how to solve things.
How? The program offers:
› Theory for a good insight and understanding that you can solve your problem
› Solution Focused Questions
› Exercises in self-control to stop negative thoughts
› Assignments to learn to look at yourself from a more distant perspective
› Videos with exercises
› Graphs to visualise your own solutions
› Weekly progression report for your physician (if you want)
› Weekly scientific test to monitor your evolution
Give yourself 15 minutes a day and take the step to happiness yourself.
You can stop at any time! If you are still in doubt, you can first test yourself for free with our self-scan
Alarm signals
Usually invisible stress is at the root of all kinds of complaints. By solving your stress, you can get rid of the following complaints ...
Read more about alarm signals.
Experiences with our stress measurement app
Nejla shares here experiences with our stress measurement app
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Hey. Hello.
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My name is Nejla.
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I'm 31 years old, and I want to tell you
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something about my experience with 15Minutes4Me.com.
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So my story goes a few years
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back, I had a very stressful job.
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I was in a very toxic
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relationship and had family problems.
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This all led to panic attacks.
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It didn't stay with one panic attack.
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I had severe anxiety.
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And day in, day out panic attacks, panic attacks.
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I couldn't breathe properly.
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I had a hard time falling asleep.
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It just wasn't bearable anymore.
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So I was desperate to find a solution.
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I seeked for therapy, got in touch with a lot
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of therapists, unfortunately, also with a lot of scammers.
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And I lost a lot of money.
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But Besides that, I lost a lot of time,
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like half a year, which is a lot.
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So people, please don't make the same
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mistake I did, but find the right
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solution and try to avoid the scammers.
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So do your research.
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15 minutes a day can really change your life if you
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are consistent and do it for the full 30 days.
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If you learned yourself something, you
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can also unlearn yourself something.
01:37.800 --> 01:41.398
So in my case, it was panic attacks, and I had
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to break the vicious cycle of the fear, of the fear
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constant anxiety, and that you can only do by being consistent
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and have discipline and just do it for 30 days and
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you will see that there will be change.
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My panic attacks were diminished.
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I had less anxiety.
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Things are going the right way for me.
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I still have a lot of work to do, but
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they are really going the right way for me.
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It feels like the first time in
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my life that I'm following real therapy.
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And also what is very astonishing is the price.
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Like regular therapy will cost you a lot
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of money, but this is just like very
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little money for an entire month.
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And I find that crazy.
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So anyways, I hope this helps.
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If I can do it, you can do it too.
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So give it a try and yeah, go for it.
Read and watch what other participants have to say
Questions and answers
We have put together some common questions for you.
Read our questions and answers.