Prevalence migraine at the hand of gender?

Migraine is an issue which occurs more often in women than in men. Research namely shows that about 2 to 10% of men suffers migraine. The percentage of women, who suffer from migraine, however, is higher. A whole 5 to 25% of women suffers from migraine. Gender thus has an influence on the prevalence of migraine.

Prevalence migraine in children?

Except for gender, age also is an important indicator for prevalence migraine. It namely is so that migraine attacks seem to occur less often in the age group from 50 and upwards. However, little is known about the average age at which migraine occurs for the first time. Children, too, can suffer migraine attacks. Some children of 10 years old namely complain about migraine, which confirms the prevalence migraine in children. You might think that the prevalence migraine in children is not very high. However, this is very far from the truth. A Scottish team researched the prevalence migraine in children. This research showed that 11% of the examined children between 5 and 15 years of age could be diagnosed with migraine.

Migraine or tension headaches?

Except for migraine, there also is something like tension headaches. With this, you experience headache because your muscles tense up. The constant tension of your muscles can then thus cause a headache after some time. The neck muscles are usually the ones causing tension headaches.

What does this say about the prevalence migraine? Well, it is so that tension headaches and migraines often occur together. 62% of people with migraine also suffer from tension headaches. The other way around however, the prevalence is lower. Only 25% of people who experience tension headaches namely also experience migraines. We can conclude from this that migraine is an illness which does not necessarily need to be genetic or hereditary. It can namely also develop after a while if different risk factors of migraine come together.

Why do more people with migraine suffer from tension headaches than the other way around? This can have something to do with the psychological causes of migraine. First off, migraine is a more severe form of tension headaches. Therefore it will take more time before you suffer migraine than it does before you suffer tension headaches. Furthermore, stress has a lot to do with the development of tension, just like with the development of migraine. As people with migraine are vulnerable to stress, it can be so that they, before an attack, suffer from muscular tension.