Obsessive-compulsive disorder is one of the most well-known disorders. OCD is recognized by the DSM as one out of 12 anxiety disorders. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is an anxiety disorder, because people are anxious about not following their compulsion. While we have less to fear than our predecessors as we do not need to worry about our lives, about not having food, ..., 10 to 12% of the population suffers from an anxiety disorder. These disorders can range from anxiety in elevators, to anxiety when going outside, to anxiety caused by having to enter water.
What is obsessive-compulsive disorder?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disorder where people experience compulsions. They must repeat certain behavior again and again (compulsive behavior). These actions are combined with compulsive thoughts, which are the thoughts which cause people to act out the compulsive actions. Compulsive behavior can be very personal. Not everyone has the same compulsions. However, what is the same for everyone is that the actions are paired with a large unrest or feeling uncomfortable. They experience it as if acting or not acting on the compulsions is not something happening inside their reality, that it is something over which they do not have any control. They feel like they do not decide to act themselves, but rather that they are forced to act. To speak of an obsessive-compulsive disorder, the behavior and thoughts have to have an influence on the daily functioning to such an extent that this functioning is impaired (at different levels).
How can I treat obsessive-compulsive disorder?
Obsessive-compulsive disorder can be treated in different ways. You can treat OCD on your own, while this is difficult, as breaking through compulsive thoughts and behaviors requires professional guidance. This guidance can be delivered with different types of psychotherapy. A popular choice is using cognitive therapy, as this contains techniques to challenge unreal thoughts and behaviors. '15Minutes4Me.com' is an online self-therapy, inspired by a cognitive and systematic solution focused therapy, which treats stress, anxiety, and depression. In the program, you receive questions which challenge you to question your unreal thoughts, while you learn to discover what it is that can help you to break out of the vicious cycle of compulsive behaviors and thoughts.
How do I test for obsessive-compulsive disorder?
On the site of '15Minutes4Me.com' you can fill out a free anxiety test, which tells you to what extent depression, stress, and anxiety are present in your situation.