The causes fatigue can differ a lot from one another. It is not so that every fatigue has the same cause. At the hand of causes fatigue, there also are different treatments against fatigue. Discover more here about the different causes fatigue!

Psychological causes fatigue?

According to Prof. Cogan, psychological causes fatigue are about 80% of the causes fatigue. Only 20% are thus attributed to other causes than psychological issues or stressors. This is a very high number. With psychological causes fatigue, we mean issues like stress, depression, and even anxiety. It can thus be so that you are tired because you have experienced stress for a long period of time.

In 80% of the cases you can thus treat causes fatigue by making a psychological change. SOmetimes, it is difficult for people to hear that the fatigue has psychological factors, because it not always is clear how to treat these causes. While people do often go to the doctor, there still is a taboo regarding psychologists and looking for mental help. Psychological causes fatigue also seem to be more difficult to treat than physical causes fatigue. It often requires a certain process, which the person with fatigue needs to go through.

Because of the taboo regarding psychological causes fatigue, people often do not take the step needed toward getting help. Many people experience psychological problems as some type of failing, or deny the severity of the problem.

Are you weak when you deal with psychological causes fatigue?

This is a question which many people ask themselves. Often, these people also think that they are weaker than other people, because they have to fight with psychological causes fatigue.

Psychological problems and causes fatigue have nothing to do with weakness. For example, if you have immense pressure at work and falter before these after months thereof, does that mean you are weak? That colleague does not seem to suffer? Does that not mean that I am weaker than my colleague? This is not true, either. As a human being, you have your own experiences, and your own way of functioning to put it shortly. That is why people respond differently, even when confronted with the same situation. Sometimes, the response of one person to a challenging situation is healthier than another response. For example, your colleague might also be stressed at work, but always goes out for some drinks with friends after work. This way, your colleague can get rid of his or her stress. You, on the other hand, decide to stay at work, in hope of getting done with it. In spite of your efforts, work keeps piling up, for example because there are just few people available per shift. Chances that you get a burnout after a few months, is larger than that your colleague gets a burnout, as they relax every evening.

In the previous example, the constant overworking is what is unhealthy for the mind and even for the body. Your response has nothing to do with weakness, but rather with the overload which is put on your mind. Overworking thus is an unhealthy response, which eventually triggered a burnout. It can be so that your colleague, had they done the same, would also have had a burnout. It thus has nothing to do with weakness, but rather with picking a healthy response.

Another example: take an athlete. You often hear that these are injured. But is that not odd? They should be really healthy, right, considering that they sport more than you do? You do not have any injuries. To the previous questions, you could probably easily answer: yes, but that is because their body is overworked and over-exerted. It would be odd to say that the body of an athlete is weaker than your own, would it not? That is how your mind and brain work, too. If you over-exert yourself because of constant stress or eventual depressed feelings, chances of fatigue increase. That is why you are not weaker, but you just exhaust yourself more due to unhealthy habits.

Finding help for psychological causes fatigue?

It is thus useful to look for help for psychological causes fatigue as quickly as possible. This way, you can slow down the severity and the consequences of the causes fatigue. The longer you wait, the more time you will namely need in order to treat your causes fatigue.

"" is an online self-help program, which helps you to treat the psychological causes fatigue. According to recent study, the average participant of "" is stress-free after just 3 weeks.

Physical causes fatigue?

Except for psychological causes fatigue, there also are physical causes fatigue. For example illness can make it so that fatigue can be present for long periods of time. Below, you will find a list of eventual physical causes fatigue. This type of causes fatigue form the other 20% of causes fatigue, according to Prof. Cogan.

  • Viral infections or bacterial infections such as hepatitis.
  • Metabolistic issues or endocrine disorders such as diabetes
  • Oncological and hermatological issues such as anemia
  • Heart and lung diseases such as asthma
  • Neurological and muscular issues like multiple sclerosis