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Hello, I'm Philip Mast.

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I'm urologist in Belgium and I had the

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opportunity to test myself the '15Minutes4Me.com'

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program, which was very helpful in my personal view

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and in my personal experience to get out of

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negativism and get positive again.

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It was very important for me.

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It broadened my horizon.

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It put me back on the rails

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and was a very, very good experience.

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It helped me in contact with my patients.

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It helped me also in my daily practice and with the

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patients, with my employees and also in my private life.

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It helped me to get positive thoughts, to

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get a new or a better feeling.

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And it was necessary to do it every day.

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And it helped because it was also

01:01.370 --> 01:03.560
very easy to do at home.

01:04.430 --> 01:08.650
It has a lot threshold and it gives excellent

01:08.710 --> 01:12.140
results if you persist and do it every day.

01:13.970 --> 01:16.590
You told me that you have several patients that you refer

01:16.640 --> 01:21.342
to the program, and you told me some concrete samples of

01:21.416 --> 01:23.850
what people told you how it affected their lives.

01:23.960 --> 01:25.026
Can you expand on that?

01:25.088 --> 01:29.540
Well, the negativism got away.

01:30.110 --> 01:34.282
They were thinking differently, and they were forced

01:34.366 --> 01:38.398
by the program to think positive and positively.

01:38.434 --> 01:41.574
And this has a great impact, they told me, on

01:41.612 --> 01:45.402
their life because they got out of the shell again

01:45.476 --> 01:48.694
and they were able to put some context.

01:48.742 --> 01:52.278
They have a positive self esteem again, and

01:52.304 --> 01:54.666
it was very important for these people.

01:54.788 --> 01:57.438
They told me also that you have to go on

01:57.464 --> 02:01.170
with it for quite a time, and afterwards it gets

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automatically positive thinking another way to view things.

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And if it gets worse because you don't do it

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for a while, you can put it back on and

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go again and have a good effect of the program. Yeah.

02:16.424 --> 02:19.038
So you mean that if someone stops a little bit

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too early and they have a beginning of a relapse

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that they can take on take on again and that

02:26.552 --> 02:30.618
they will go on the rails back very quickly again.

02:30.764 --> 02:33.138
Then you told me one other example.

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You told about someone of your patients that

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you did not only see psychological effects, but

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that even physiological energy went up quite shortly

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after they started the program. Right.

02:45.704 --> 02:49.760
Because I saw them while having running, and

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she looked very bad at the first time.

02:53.336 --> 02:57.102
And then I expected her to say that she had to go

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to the program '15mins4me.com', and she did it.

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And the weeks afterwards, she looked very much better

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and told me afterwards that it was very helpful

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to get her in the positive thinking again, and

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physiologically and physically even she was better.

03:14.060 --> 03:14.466

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So you see like a kind of double impact,

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because on one side, the program works on the

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brain patterns and the thoughts, but indirectly it has

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a kind of physiological effect on the brain.

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I think the brain works better.

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It has more power to do with

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the other things than thinking negatively.

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That was my experience too when I was getting on

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the computer to do it that for myself the negative

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ideas went away and the positive thinking gives you more

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possibilities of having your brain work better and do things

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that you need every day working, running, to do some physical

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things have envy to do these things and not got

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back in your shell.

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If you look at your patients and you would

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compare doing this daily automatic exercise with this program

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compared to going to a psychotherapist, what are the

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differences, what's more useful when according to well I

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think that the low threshold of these possibilities with

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'15minutes4me.com' is an amazing great thing

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because otherwise you go once in a week once

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in a month to a psychologist or a psychiatrist

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and afterwards you don't have follow up here you

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give your own follow up every day and that's

04:45.082 --> 04:48.960
helps in getting these positive effects.Okay, great.Thanks.

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